Frequently asked Questions

View the questions below to find your answers or send us a message on our contact page.

Safety & Hygiene

Colonics have been used for thousands of years by multiple lineages of medicine around the world. It is truly a time tested therapy. When facilitated in a clean, hygienic and professional clinic, it is safe and beneficial for the vast majority of people. However, there are some people who cannot safely use the therapy due to certain medical conditions. Examples of some contraindications include: recent abdominal surgery, colon cancer, or intense, acute abdominal pain. Your Colon Therapy clinic should have you complete a health assessment questionnaire and conduct an intake consult prior to your therapy, to ensure that you are a good candidate to safely use colonics. If you have medical conditions and are unsure if colonics are safe for you, we would be happy to consult with you on the phone and provide professional feedback.
Although it is a common concern or assumption that Colonics deplete our good bacteria, the therapeutic use of Colonics is not shown to have a negative impact on our microbiome (Uchiyama-Tanaka, Yoko, The Influence of Colonic Irrigation on Human Intestinal Microbiota). Studies show that the beneficial bacteria lost in a typical session of colon hydrotherapy is negligible, and suggest that reasonable use of colon hydrotherapy can have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, by helping to remove excess waste matter. Excess waste matter feeds pathogens. However a clean and healthy colon offers an optimal environment for good bacteria to flourish. Colon hydrotherapy Remember, many people in our society have a deficiency in good bacteria, excess toxicity, and excess pathogens in their colon (fungus, parasites, bad bacteria)- this is known as ‘dysbiosis.’ Dysbiosis is caused by many factors, including: poor diet, poor digestion, taking antibiotics without taking probiotics after, antibiotic exposure via our food and water system, as well as high stress levels. In today’s day and age, it takes a conscious effort to cultivate a healthy microflora. After cleansing, we do recommend good nutrition, as well as adding probiotic foods and supplements to your lifestyle, to help nurture your microbiome. Many Colon Hydrotherapists encourage this model of gut biome care: Cleanse- release excess waste and toxicity from digestive tract Replenish- with good nutrition including prebiotic foods, probiotic supplementation, good hydration, and herbs and supplements, as needed Maintain- maintain a healthy homeostasis with good nutrition, hydration, probiotic foods and/or supplements, and seasonal cleansing
You should not use Colonics if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Intestinal surgery within 12 months
  • Active colon cancer
  • Significant bleeding from rectum
  • Inflamed, bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Aggravated fissures and fistulas
  • Receiving kidney dialysis
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Some hernias
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Organ failure, recent or pending
  • Tumor in colon or rectum
  • Extreme deficiency
  • Acute pain in your lower right abdomen
  • Acute pain in your upper right abdomen
  • Colitis (acute, bleeding)
  • Crohn's (acute, bleeding)
  • Colostomy bag
  • Diverticulitis (active, infected)
  • Early stage pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled cardiac disease
  • History of colon perforation
  • Kidney insufficiency
  • Ileocecal valve malfunction
Some exceptions apply, with doctor’s referral.
Colon hydrotherapy using plain, purified water, poses very little risk to normal, to adults when used therapeutically in a professional setting. People with kidney insufficiency could be at risk for electrolyte imbalance, and therefore it is wise for them not to use this therapy without a doctor's referral. Small children are also at greater risk of electrolyte imbalance, however, most Colon Hydrotherapists do not treat small children. Adverse events due to electrolyte imbalance typically occur with the use of home enemas with added substances, in particular: phosphate. We use only purified water with no additives and screen you for potential contra-indications during our intake process to ensure the therapy is safe for you. Just like before a workout, it is a good idea to replenish with electrolytes before your session. We also have electrolytes on hand in our office, if needed. Adverse events due to electrolyte imbalance typically occur during: over-use and abuse of home enemas, adding substances to enema water (particularly phosphate), overuse of enemas in children, and use of Colonics or enemas for people with kidney insufficiency or heart failure. A study by Collins and Mittman examining electrolyte levels of patients before and after Colonics at a Naturopathic Healthcare Centre, affirms the safety of Colonic irrigations using plain, purified water, in regard to serum electrolyte levels, on adults free of contra-indications. Make sure you complete a health assessment with your clinic, prior to your first session to ensure you don’t have any contra-indications. We recommend Colonics with plain, purified water, to further increase safety.
The Open Method of Colonics, professionally facilitated, presents almost zero risk of perforation. The tube used our Colonics inserts approximately 1.5 inches inside the body - sitting just inside the anal opening. To prevent risk of perforation, the instrument should be less than 6 inches inside the body. We are far below this measure. Another great safety feature of the Open Method is, when water flows into the colon, you always have the ability to release it, and should let go as soon as you feel the urge. In this method, virtually rules out the risk of excessive pressure during your treatment. Risks of perforation occur with uneducated use of home enemas, overly aggressive style of treatment, and treating people with a history of or colon perforation or high risk of colon perforation. Do your due diligence when selecting a clinic, make sure you complete an intake questionnaire and consult prior to treatment, and if or performing a home enema- do your research and insert the tube no further than 6 inches, in order to avoid any risk.
We take pride in maintaining high standards in cleanliness and hygiene. Our Open Method equipment offers some of the best standards of safety and hygiene in the world. We only use disposable supplies, and these are included in the cost of your session (not a surcharge). We disinfectant thoroughly between each session using hospital-grade sanitation agents. Our water is triple-filtered with a sediment filter, carbon filter, and UV filter. Our office is ventilated directly to the outdoor air, and we smudge with purifying agents.
We only use disposable supplies (included in our pricing), and hospital-grade disinfectant to sanitize our equipment and touchable surfaces between each session. Our equipment is made of smooth-non-porous material, and designed for easy sanitation. Our rooms are ventilated directly outside.
Unlike laxatives, colonics do not tend to lead to dependency. The goal of colonics is to support your body to function better on its own, while also aiding in detox and digestive healing. A conservative regime of a series of 3 sessions spaced about a week apart, followed by a monthly maintenance session, has been proposed as a safe and helpful frequency of treatment for overall wellness (Uchiyama-Tanaka, Yoko, The influence of Colonic Irrigation on Human Intestinal Microbiota). There is an exception here: people suffering bowel motility issues, or taking medications with constipating side effects, may depend on more frequent colonics in order to ensure their bowels are emptying properly.
The Angel of Water uses a three stage system of filtration featuring a sediment, carbon and UV filters.

Experiencing Therapy

We wouldn’t say that it hurts. Most people find it feels deeply refreshing and relieving. However there can be some discomfort that arises during the session. The discomfort usually feels similar to a dull bloating or gentle diarrhea-type feeling that comes and goes in waves. Everyone experiences something a little different, although it’s safe to say a little discomfort is part of the process, especially your first time. With each follow up visit, the process just becomes easier and more comfortable. An Important key with colon hydrotherapy is, the more relaxed you are, the better the digestive system can release and let go. We focus on creating a calm and comfortable environment, where you can feel free to fully relax into your cleanse. Being able to take breaks and work at your own pace with the session, also helps create a more comfortable experience.
With our Open Method of Colonics, a very small, minimal, disposable instrument is used. It’s about the size of a pen cap. The only purpose of the instrument is to allow water to gently flow into the body. It is so small that you will stop feeling it after a minute or two, and forget that it’s even there.
The experience is different depending on the kind of Colon Hydrotherapy you use. We work with the Open Method, and have chosen this method because we find it delivers the most comfortable, natural feeling user experience, without sacrificing results. Imagine reclining on a big, comfortable toilet, in a relaxing, private washroom. As the water gently enters the colon, you will repeatedly experience the need to go to the washroom. It’s like having a really good bowel movement x 10 (or more). With this process there are often feelings of cramping and bloating that come and go, but also feelings of deep relief and lightness. Because there are countless nerve endings in the gut, people often experience a sense of whole body rejuvenation and deep relaxation during and after the session.
One major benefit of the Open Method of Colonics is that it is so easy and intuitive that you will have the option for privacy during your session. Many people do prefer privacy, however some people prefer to have their Therapist beside them for the entire length of the session. For your first session, we will always be in the treatment room beside you, guiding and facilitating.
Our equipment does feature a viewing mirror, so you can see what is coming out during your session, in real time. A variety of wastes can come out in a session of colon hydrotherapy. Most commonly seen include: fecal matter, gas, mucous, bile. However, not all waste is visible to the plain eye. For example, you cannot often see the candida, harmful bacteria, and parasites, or heavy metal, drug, and chemical wastes. Although we can definitely provide you with some general feedback about digestion, diet and lifestyle based on what we see coming out, without proper lab testing it is impossible to confirm exactly what is being released since so much is on the micro-level. We recommend the GI map test, or Doctors Data test (available via Naturopathic doctors), if you would like a thorough analysis of your gut microbiome.
The therapy itself generally ranges from 30-45 minutes, depending on the individual. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. The first appointment includes an intake consult, extra guidance before your session, and an aftercare consult at the end of your session. So expect to be with us for about 75 minutes. For follow up appointments, you will be in and out and in about an hour.
Totally fine. Our system is equipped to handle it. Since our equipment is technically a big, fancy, reclining toilet bed, you can freely pee during your session if needed. This is just one of the benefits of the Open Method equipment.
It is still fine to come in for your appointment during your period. In fact, many report that the therapy can actually help to alleviate some of the cramping and discomfort that comes with menstruation. If you wear a tampon, remove it prior to your session. People also like to time their Colonic with menstruation because a woman’s period marks the end of a cycle (release), and the beginning of a new cycle (regeneration). Many consider menstruation as a cleansing time. Likewise, the Colonics is a process of releasing and clearing away what no longer serves you, helping to bring in a new cycle for your health.
The instrument we use is so small that even the most apprehensive people are usually able to insert it quite easily (we have guidelines and instructions for how to do it). However, if you do require assistance, we are here to support you.
Not at all. It is becoming a more common wellness treatment. Using Colon Hydrotherapy demonstrates that you care about your body and your health, and are willing to go the extra mile for yourself. This is something to be proud of! Our office allows for privacy and discretion, and we do our best to make the whole process as elegant as possible. We’ve each taken on thousands of clients, use the therapy routinely ourselves, and are very passionate about our work. We trust you will feel fully at ease with us.

After Your Colonic

The open method of colonics allows for much fuller, more complete elimination of water and waste during the session. So after, you usually feel quite empty. We do request that you take a little down time in the room after the session, and then use the washroom before you go. This helps ensure that any residual water is released before you head home or onto the next part of your day. There are always exceptions however. We do find for people who are particularly constipated, or impacted, a Colonic can initiate the colon cleansing response even after the session. In such cases, people may experience more bowel movements than usual for a day or so.
Yes, after a Colonic, it is normal to have a delay of 24 hours or more before your next poop. The length of delay can vary from less than a day- to over a week- depending on the person. Some factors that contribute to this are: how much was detoxed during your session and your digestive efficiency or ‘transit time’ in general. Stay hydrated, and eat a healthy, whole-foods diet with plenty of fiber, and make sure you are getting your rest and movement in. Your bowel movements will return naturally after the post-Colonic delay.
We recommend waiting at least an hour before eating, and to start with a light, easy to digest meal. Directly after your Colonic you may hydrate with clean, replenishing fluids such as water, herbal tea, broth, fresh juices, coconut water, kombucha or kefir.
No. You will be able to drive, transit, bike or walk home yourself after your session. Some people even get right onto a flight.
Most people feel lighter, refreshed, and more relaxed following their session. It is also common to feel very motivated and inspired to make healthy choices. In rare cases, some people may feel some residual bloating or cramping, as well as tiredness and / or symptoms of detoxification (headache, skin rash, nausea, cold / flu symptoms). It’s normal to feel tired after your first appointment. This is why we recommend not having anything strenuous planned for the rest of the day. Try to rest, focus on self-care, and get a good, early night of sleep. You will likely experience a much deeper and more satisfying sleep than usual. Everyone is different, however. Some people experience a burst of energy and find enjoyment in fitness and work activities directly after their treatments. Many people find they are more tuned in to their body and their body’s needs.
In some cases, there can be side effects associated with the onset of a cleansing process, including:
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Residual Bloating
  • Acne or rashes
  • Cold/flu-like symptoms
  • Increased digestive sensitivity
This type of response is known as ‘symptoms of detoxification.’ They may occur as waste starts to be stirred up and eliminated from the body. The best thing to do if experiencing symptoms of detoxification is to stay well hydrated, rest, and continue cleansing. Side effects such as this tend to occur for people who are brand new to the therapy and are unfamiliar with a healthy lifestyle. Symptoms of detox are less likely to occur for people who are already leading a healthy lifestyle, even if they are brand new to Colonics. Once your body adapts to the therapy, and you move through the initial cleanse phase, the way you feel after a session will be comfortable, and predictable.
Yes. Though we do recommend focusing on self-care after your first session in particular.
Sure. In fact Colon Hydrotherapy is known in general as a great therapy for sexual reproductive health. Generally it is fine to be intimate after your session. However, do be mindful of any ‘pushing out’ motions since you may have some retained water still in your colon (this is especially true if you are using the closed method Colonic system).
Yes, if you want to. People frequently come in for appointments on their lunch breaks, and even prior to athletic performance. However, a common after effect of your first session is tiredness. So we do recommend you come in for your first time on a day when you can take it easy afterward.
Due to the large size of the colon (about 5 feet long), and condition of most people’s colons, we recommend to start with at least a series of 3 sessions scheduled about a week apart. If you have constipation, certain medical conditions, are doing a detox protocol, or making a massive lifestyle change, you will likely benefit from more than 3 sessions, and we would recommend starting with a series of 4-6 sessions. After completing our health assessment form, consulting with our Therapists, and completing your first session, we will be able to provide you with recommendations specific to your needs and goals. After your initial series of Colonics, we recommend doing maintenance sessions from time to time.
We encourage you to use your intuition in choosing when to come in, but are also happy to provide guidance and recommendations based on our observations and your unique context. In general, these are the maintenance routines commonly practiced and recommended for various goals and needs: Proactive maintenance for overall health and beauty: 1 X a month, or 1-3 sessions each quarter with the seasonal change Managing constipation or IBS: 1 X a month Bare minimum: 2 X a year, one in the Spring and one in the Autumn Weight loss / weight management: 1 X a month Severe bowel motility issues (colon not functioning due to medical reasons, including medications): weekly to biweekly Detox Programs (such as candida cleanse, parasite cleanse, liver cleanse, fasting, juice cleansing, heavy metal cleanse, drug or alcohol detox): colonics are recommended intermittently throughout your protocol Liver Gallbladder flush: one colonic prior to flush, and one colonic just after your flush.
Light, healthy, and mindfully. Start with healthy fluids, and then gentle, digestive-friendly foods such as soups, broths, fresh fruit, cooked vegetables, lean protein, stews, whole grains. Start with small portion sizes and chew well. You will most likely be more sensitive to the way foods affect you, so avoid common irritants such as wheat, dairy, and processed foods. These may cause gas and discomfort. Also, gassy vegetables such as raw cabbage, raw kale, raw onion and garlic may cause bloating directly after your session.

Appointment & Policies

Colon hydrotherapy is not a licensed, regulated field in Ontario. So as a service, it is not covered the same way registered massage therapy, acupuncture or chiropractic is covered. However, if you have a health spending account, or a policy that offers flexible spending options, then it may be covered. You can, however, claim Colonics as a medical expense in your income tax filing. Most of our clients pay privately out of pocket for our services. For this reason, we price in a fair and accessible way, and do accept credit card payment. Please let us know if you need an in depth invoice for tax or insurance purposes.
Nope. Colonics are an elective therapy. Similar to massage therapy, or chiropractic care, you do not require a referral from a physician in order to book. If you have a complex medical condition however, we may ask you to get a doctor’s referral before receiving therapy.
No, there is no government coverage for this therapy. People pay for it out of pocket.
Absolutely. Everybody’s health is important. Colon cancer is more common in men than in women. We encourage men to take a proactive approach to taking care of their bodies, and colons in particular. We are known for having a very ‘man-friendly’ way of working- with a minimally invasive set-up, and privacy as an option.
We are happy to serve people of all ages, so long as you do not have any contra-indications. If you have mobility issues, we do request that you bring a support person to your appointment.
We recommend taking nutritional and herbal approaches with children to the best of your ability. We only work with children in urgent situations, and on a case by case basis.
Yes, we are located on a main floor, and easily accessible.
We are happy to accommodate high profile clients. We do find most higher profile clients feel safe and comfortable in our environment, which is already private and discreet, and therefore don’t request special arrangements. However, we are able to offer private backdoor entry, allow you to perform security checks, sign non-disclosures, and / or specially reserve the clinic for you (and / or your team) if desired.
Absolutely. Although we do ask that your content does not include any other clients, or staff, without their express consent. If you are creating a piece on Colonics or sauna, and would like to be in the space longer than your appointment time slot, please contact us to book some time.
Our packages can be shared with another person.
No they do not. They can be used at any time.
You have a ten day period to request a refund on package purchases. After that, your package may be transferred to someone else, but not refunded.


Yes. We often see this therapy help improve constipation and sometimes even reverse it. It assists by hydrating the colon, helping remove trapped gas and blockages of waste, and promotes better bowel motility (helps get your colon moving better on its own). Though in some cases of chronic constipation- such as gut motility issues- or prescription painkillers- Colonics may not help change the nature of your condition, but can definitely help to manage the symptoms and prevent uncomfortable and dangerous build up of waste in the colon. Constipation is best treated with a combination of Colonics and healthy lifestyle measures. Our Therapists are here to help guide you with recommendations to help support your colon cleansing process.
Yes. We often see this therapy help to improve and sometimes even reverse gas and bloating. The relief from gas and bloating can often be instantaneous. Our therapists are here to help you get to the bottom of the gas and bloating, and provide you with recommendations to help prevent it in the future.
We often get reports from our clients with IBS that Colonics help them to manage their symptoms and keep them feeling more comfortable. This is likely because Colonics is not only a good cleanser, but also seems to have a therapeutic effect on the enteric nervous system, and intestinal muscles. On occasion, people have experienced a reversal in their IBS symptoms after Colonics. And also, on occasion, Colonics can be uncomfortable for people with IBS. If you have IBS, Colonics are definitely worth exploring. We recommend starting with a gentle, exploratory session at a reputable clinic, and seeing how your body responds.
Absolutely. We ourselves, and many of our clients use this therapy as a proactive way to cleanse their body, and optimize their overall wellbeing. We all can benefit from cleansing- especially in a day and age where we typically experience so much stress and toxic exposures. The state of the colon in particular has a huge influence on our overall wellness. Colonics combined with a healthy lifestyle including good nutrition, movement, hydration, adequate sleep, and probiotics, is an excellent proactive regimen to stay feeling your best.
Although we don’t tend to advertise Colon Hydrotherapy as a weight loss service, we have had many clients report that this has significantly helped them in their weight loss journey, and we do feel confident that it is a wonderful way to jump start, and assist a weight loss process. Sometimes people do lose physical weight immediately with the release of built up waste from their body. Also, the release of trapped gas also often leads to the feeling of a flatter stomach. Since colonics tend to ‘reset’ our digestive system, many people find their cravings for unhealthy foods decrease, and it's easier to follow a healthier lifestyle. We have also received feedback that colonics acts as a catalyst that helps people launch, or get over plateaus in their weight loss journeys.
Colonics are recommended during parasite cleanses to help ensure the parasites or ‘die-off’ are eliminated from the body during the protocol. In most cases, parasites are released from the body during a parasite cleanse involving herbs or medications, nutrition, and / or fasting, combined with colon cleansing. However, clients and team members have reported seeing parasites come out during and after their session, even without doing a parasite protocol, but, this is a rare occurrence.
The benefits of colon hydrotherapy are numerous and multi-faceted. The state of the colon influences the state of the rest of your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic well being. Focusing on cleansing and revitalizing the colon can influence everything from digestive regularity and comfort, to the health of your other organs and elimination pathways, to your ability to feel good emotionally, and focus mentally. To see a more comprehensive list of the benefits of colonics, check out our About Colonics page.
Colon Hydrotherapy is truly time tested. It has been practiced by multiple cultural lineages around the world, for thousands of years. The first recorded document is from an ancient Egyptian medical text. Colon Hydrotherapy is also documented in the biblical aged Books of Essene.
The idea of inserting something in the bum, and the idea of cleansing poop from the body can be quite triggering and seem taboo for many people. When something seems so taboo, it can be easy to make general, broad claims, without first doing your due diligence. There is plenty of historical and qualitative evidence on the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy, as well as plenty of physicians who are proponents of Colonics. Enough to warrant real consideration and respect for this therapy. Most media focus tends to be on the risks of colonics, as well as the ‘gross factor,’ omitting the multitude of therapeutic benefits this therapy can deliver to the public, when facilitated safely and professionally. It’s best to do your own research and use your own intuition when examining this therapy and discovering whether it's a good fit for you or your loved ones.

Preparation & Aftercare

We recommend showing up for your Colonic the same way you would show up for a workout: hydrated, nourished, with an empty stomach, and ready to focus on your health! Eat a light, healthy meal about 1.5-2 hrs prior to your session, such as a soup, plate of fruit, or smoothie. For more detailed preparation and aftercare guidelines, please check out our Preparation / Aftercare page.
Technically, yes, and some people have been known to use it for hangover recovery. It's not ideal if your main focus is deeper cleansing and detox as the session will be focused on detoxing your body from the night before, versus doing deeper cleansing work. If your goal is just to feel better after a big night, that’s another story, and the choice is ultimately yours.
Wear whatever you like. If you have the option, comfortable clothes are nice. During the session, you will be undressing from the waist-down, and provided with a disposable privacy blanket.
Yes, absolutely. Some people even prefer to come in around the time of their cycle. During the bleeding part of a woman’s cycle, the uterine lining and unfertilized egg is being shed and released for her body. This in itself is a cleanse of sorts, marking the end of one cycle, beginning of anew, and ridding the body of what no longer serves it. So this is a very intuitive time to incorporate a colon cleanse as well. Some women do find that timing their Colonic with their cycle helps them to experience fewer symptoms and makes their period more comfortable. If you come in during your period, we just ask that you do NOT wear a tampon.
To summarize, colonics are best for deep and thorough cleansing of the whole colon. Colonics treat the entire colon, whereas enemas affect the lower 1/5, approximately. Colonics are also a preferred treatment for the physiotherapeutic benefits they offer, helping improve the tone and function of the colon, and helping digestion to move better on its own. Colonics tend to be easier, more comfortable and less messy, but are more expensive because they are offered in a professional clinic. Enemas are a great homecare method especially for administering therapeutics to the body, such as coffee enemas.
Laxatives are substances that induce a bowel movement/bowel emptying and are commonly used to treat constipation. These can range from intensive pharmaceuticals to natural herbs. Laxatives do not work for all cases of constipation. They can oftentimes be harsh on the body, and over time can cause dependency. While laxatives do have their merit, especially for short-term emergency situations, Colon Hydrotherapy is preferred over laxatives because many types of laxatives can actually weaken and damage the bowel muscles and enteric nervous system functioning with prolonged use, worsening constipation over time, Colonics used intermittently- help to gently yet thoroughly cleanse the colon, while at the same time, training the body to perform better on its own, between sessions. It is not uncommon for us to receive clients suffering from constipation, who have taken laxatives, but the laxatives are not working. It is also not uncommon for people to wean themselves off of frequent laxative use, using colon hydrotherapy as a support.
It is an innovative method of Colonics that feels less invasive to the body, and offers a natural-feeling user-experience, with great detox and digestive results. The Angel of Water and Libbe open systems are state of the art equipment used by many of the world’s premiere resorts, medical spas, hospitals, and integrative wellness clinics as a preferred system of simple, safe, comfortable and discreet colon hydrotherapy.
The major differences include:
  • The closed method is performed on a massage table by a therapist. It feels like a procedure.
  • The open method is experienced on a big, fancy, reclining toilet, facilitated by a therapist. It feels like an enhanced washroom experience.
  • The instrument used during the closed method is about four inches long, and one inch in diameter
  • The instrument used in the open method is only 1.5 inches long, and about ½ inch in diameter
  • The closed method tends to feel less relaxing
  • The open method tends to feel very easy, intuitive and natural
Of course, your Therapists make all the difference. When choosing a clinic to work with, no matter the system used, make sure you feel good about the people you will be working with there.
The body does have its own mechanisms for detox and digestion. However, due to modern lifestyle, environmental pollutants, poor diet, more sedentary lifestyles and higher-than natural stress loads, these mechanisms don’t always function optimally the way they should. The human body is also not necessarily equipped to deal with some of the things we ingest these days, including unnatural food products and chemical substances. It is common for our elimination channels to become stagnated and overloaded. This is where the support of something like colonics comes in. Humans have always turned to nature, or tools in their surrounding world to assist the body to function optimally. For example, we may take herbs to assist the body with certain processes, we use a toothbrush to brush our teeth and prevent plaque and bacteria from accumulating in our mouths, or we may wear glasses to help with our vision. Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle, natural support that’s been used throughout human history to aid in the hygiene and optimal functioning of our digestive and other elimination systems.
Colon hydrotherapy can indeed clean out the whole colon (it is used medically for colonoscopy preparation in fact). How many sessions are required to achieve this is determined on a case by case basis. For people with a lot of fecal impaction, it can easily require more than 6 sessions. For someone who is healthy and regular, the whole colon can be treated in as little as 2-3 sessions.
When doing the initial recommended series of Colonics, you can gauge your progress in terms of how much waste you’re eliminating. Sometimes clients will eliminate even more in their second session than they do in their first, which is why we always recommend at least one follow up session for all new clients. As sessions progress naturally you will see a tapering off of the amount released. This is a good indication that the bulk of accumulated waste in the colon has been removed. For healthy people, this often happens in the third session. For people recovering from an unhealthy lifestyle or experiencing constipation, it may take more sessions to get there. A healthy colon should have about 3 bowel movements inside of it at any given time. Unless preparing for medical imaging such as a colonoscopy, the goal of colon hydrotherapy is not necessarily to clean the entire colon 100%, but to help clear the bulkhead of excess waste, gas, and give the body a boost to help improve digestive functioning.
This is really determined on a case by case basis, based on the unique needs and context of each individual. For overall wellness and optimization, we are fans of a monthly maintenance session, after your initial series of sessions. One study out of Japan, Uchiyama-Tanaka, Yoko, The influence of Colonic Irrigation on Human Intestinal Microbiota, demonstrates that a series of 3 Colonics, followed by a monthly maintenance session, does not have a negative influence on probiotic or electrolyte levels, and has a positive impact on constipation. We find it's a great routine for staying on track with wellness in modern society. Certain health conditions, and special circumstances can warrant a more consistent and frequent regimen of Colonics. These conditions include: travel, illness, major dietary shifts, medications, detoxification regimes or lifestyle changes.
For optimization we recommend one colon hydrotherapy treatment a month. The minimum we recommend is once a season. We find it important and beneficial to allow the body to reset as the seasons change. The reality is, with toxic exposure and stress levels higher than ever in our society, regular routine cleansing and detoxification is an important part of a healthy lifestyle these days. Ultimately, this decision is up to you, based on your unique needs, goals, and intuition.
A major benefit of colon hydrotherapy is digestive balance. Not only can it allow you to let go of accumulated waste but it can help to make long lasting improvements to a range of digestive issues you might be experiencing such as gas, bloating, dysbiosis, acid reflux and IBS. Furthermore, it can help to improve fatigue, skin issues, and reproductive imbalances, and help you to be more mindful of what you’re eating and how it affects you. Colonics are extremely supportive during any kind of major lifestyle change including addiction recovery.
Colonics are a great compliment to any type of detox diet or cleanse. Some practitioners would even say colon cleansing is a necessity during a detox program. It helps ensure waste is thoroughly eliminated from the body while you are cleansing.


  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Detox via sweat
  • Improved lymphatic circulation and blood flow
  • Improved skin
  • Increased sense of psycho-emotional wellbeing
  • Release of stress and tension from the body
  • Decrease in pain and inflammation
  • Improved muscle recovery
  • Improved immune health
A regular sauna heats the air, eliciting a cooling response from the body (sweating). An infrared sauna also heats the air (more gently), and also emits the infrared light spectrum, which penetrates the skin, and offers a unique range of benefits, including anti-inflammatory response, and the sensation of warm sunlight.

You should not use Colonics if you have any of the following conditions: 

  • Intestinal surgery within 12 months
  • Active colon cancer
  • Significant bleeding from rectum
  • Inflamed, bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Aggravated fissures and fistulas
  • Receiving kidney dialysis
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Some hernias
  • Liver cirrhosis 
  • Organ failure, recent or pending
  • Tumor in colon or rectum
  • Extreme deficiency
  • Acute pain in your lower right abdomen
  • Acute pain in your upper right abdomen
  • Colitis (acute, bleeding)
  • Crohn's (acute, bleeding)
  • Colostomy bag
  • Diverticulitis (active, infected)
  • Early stage pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled cardiac disease
  • History of colon perforation
  • Ileocecal valve malfunction 


Some exceptions apply, with doctor’s referral.

Yes. Our sauna comfortably accommodates one person.  The sauna room and shower will be booked just for you and only you. 

Sessions usually range from 20 minutes to 50 minutes depending on your heat tolerance. People often start with shorter sessions, and build up to longer sessions over time.
You will want to be hydrated. It’s best not to wear any skin lotion or oil on the day of your sauna, so that your pores are open. It’s also best not to wear jewelry inside the sauna (earrings are okay).
Since it is a private sauna, most people choose to be nude. This way your skin surface will have optimal breathability, and you will not have to deal with a sweaty garment after your session. The sauna bench is lined with a disposable, waterproof towel for each session.
Most people choose to treat sauna time and quality meditative time with thyself. It's a good opportunity to focus on your breath and settle into your body. You may choose to listen to music or a podcast while you sweat.
That is a personal choice. We do have a shower in our private sauna room, for your convenience. Many people do choose to shower. However, some people prefer not to, in order to keep the sweat response flowing as long as possible.
It's safe and healthy for most people to use the sauna on a daily basis.